Privacy Policy.


Our privacy policy relates only to information that we obtain from you. None of your information is passed to third parties. If you visit a website operated by a third party through a link included on this web site, your information may be used differently by the operator of the linked website.

The information you provide to us when using this website will be processed for the following reasons:

  • To process any request for advice or information to be supplied by us

  • To send you our newsletters and notify you of our products and services

  • To track the volume of traffic to the various sections of the site

  • To comply with our statutory and regulatory obligations


The type of information we will collect about you includes:

  • Your name / Your company name / Your phone number / Your email address / Your query / Details about the pages you visit.

We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent.


We collect and use users’ personal information via the means of cookies for the following purposes:

To improve our site – our website offerings could have the “ante upped” by you accepting our use of cookies.

If the user decides to opt-in to our mailing list, they will receive emails that may include company news, updates, related product or service information, etc. If at any time the user would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email.


Should you wish to obtain a copy of the personal data that we hold about you, please send an email to We endeavour to get back to all users queries regarding personal data within 30 days.

When you visit our web pages, tracking technologies may automatically record information about you. This information does not identify you personally. We automatically collect and store only the following information about your visit:

  • The internet domain and IP address from where you access our website

  • The type of browser software and operating system you use to access our website

  • The date and time you access our website

  • The pages you enter, visit and exit on our website

  • If you linked to our website from another website, the address of that website.

We use this information to help us identify click stream patterns, to improve our website, and to learn about the number of visitors to our website and the types of technology our visitors use.


A cookie is a text file saved on your computer by your browser to store certain types of data that you are using on a website. Taygo Bren’s website uses cookies to gather and save data about the functions you use and the pages you visit within the site.

If you wish to completely avoid the cookies, turn off cookies in your browser.


with PC: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookie settings.

with Apple Macintosh: Edit > Preferences > Receiving files > Cookies > Cookie settings.


Edit > Preferences > Privacy > Cookies and website data


Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Cookies radio buttons.


Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookie settings.

You will normally be able to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, accept certain types of cookie, and/or receive a warning before accepting a cookie through your browser settings.

Additionally, you can also opt-out out of non mandatory cookies that still allow the website to function, you can read more about this by clicking here.

Alternatively, if you wish to remove these cookies from your computer at a later date you may clear them after visiting the site; this will not affect the performance of the site or the cookies in question.


If you have a complaint regarding any breach of this privacy policy, please contact us at When we receive the complaint, we will review it and ensure that we are in compliance with our privacy policy and all applicable laws. We will contact you within 30 days of receiving your complaint to inform you of the results of this review.

This document was last updated on 5th July 2023.